Author Topic: Application  (Read 1902 times)


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« on: February 25, 2009, 09:25:35 AM »
Just rejoined SB a day or two ago, looking for an active guild. Fully willing to attend any mines/banes that I can be online for. Yes, I use Vent. Yes, I roll spec toons. Yes, I do try to give as much/more than I take. Uninterested in drama, needless infighting, etc. Currently focused on rolling a Sent/Druid for farming so that I can actually afford to provide for my other toons, while still being useful in GvG.

EST, small/no boobs, don't really remember much about guilds except that I was in HoE/WotS on prior servers, I think. I don't much care about anything but PvP, and who I PvP is simply who I PvP with, nothing more in my opinion.

Martinet is my Sent ign, send me a tell if I forget to check this and you decide to let me in, thanks.

PS: Friend of mine rejoined with me, and thinks almost identically to myself. I'd like it if you'd consider this a 2 for 1 application. If not, I'll kick him in the ass irl until he makes his own app.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2009, 09:35:51 AM by Martinet »