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Topics - Skawilly

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SB Recruitment / Access / Looking to join the ranks...
« on: February 23, 2009, 11:27:35 AM »
I have been playing off and on since just after beta. I was an officer in BKA on Dread and after the server was taking over by OPP and DoW I ran an arrent guild running a muck on the occupiers till they closed it down and then I went to vengeance. I pretty much stayed out of guild politics after that, just wanted to enjoy the game. I just came back from about a year (Give or take) or so ago where I played on saedron in an irekei nation with TSCCC and thats why I decided to apply. I played WoW for too long I loved the original release and played 2.0 to its fullest but was not happy thats why I initially came back to Shadowbane. I quit SB again to try 3.0 and hated it even more so that is why I am making another appearence. I am looking for a permanant home and if everything works out here I would definately move to another game with a good group of people, I see that the forums here are riddled with DFO, I myself would be interested in playing. Thats my agenda in a nutshell, let me get down to the game details about me.

I love playing my shade thief, Morgen, 70, but because I have been running solo my gear not to brag about and it would take a bit too long to hit 75 for now.
I did develope a centuar prelate, Jar, though last year and his gear is right where I need it to be. I can use him for any GvG you guys need.
These 2 happen to be the only toons I play. I try to keep it minimal but if a prelate is not what you guys need ill certainly muster up another.

I definately use vent and dont mind listening to who ever is acting commander in any raid, mine or GvG event even if he is being a prick, as long as its a victory no sweat off my sack.

I am running an AMD Phenom II X3 710 processor with 4gig ram and an Nvidia 8800 (512MB) video card so I would say my pc is doing well, I would also say though that I have a terrible ISP (Trying out clear) but its not good and cuts me off from time to time but that is changing in less then a month so its only a neuissance for a short time.

If I am logged in I am usually on Morgen so just send a tell if you guys are interested. Just as a side note I am not apping anywhere else, so this is not random spam, I just plum like your guys' style. I have been asking around to some of your citizens for possible officers online, but I ran into PeppoCD giving a coix thief an ol' fashioned druid beat down in an open tree and he sent me here to these forums for this app.

Take er' easy dudes,
Morgen the Pale Rider.

Edit: I am on the PST Timezone, I steer clear of wearing bras and I dont remember the name of the guild but it was the leading guild of the nation and I cannot remember the name of the dude that ran it. Madtazz or something. I do know he was a mage assassin. I played Blythe the Darkener (75 thief) but like I said previously I kept my nose clean of politics so you probably dont remember me. Eventually on Saedron I did roll my theif, Morgen the Seeker, but low population playing solo its very boring but that was all last year for only a couple of months or less, sorry for the fuzzy details.

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